How to… Turn off the Instagram ‘Like’ count
Instagram can often feel like a popularity contest. “But it’s all about the Likes though, right?” we hear you cry. Well, no, actually. The obsession over the number of ‘likes’ a post gets (or doesn’t get) can end up taking over, and can affect your mental health. So, if you find yourself despairing when someone else’s post has 100 more Likes than yours, it may be time to do something about it.
The solution? Turn off the ‘Like’ count! Here’s our guide to getting it done:
If you want to hide the ‘Like’ and ‘View’ counts on posts from other profiles, it’s nice and simple.
Open your Instagram app, and head to your profile page.
Next, head to your Settings, which can be found by hitting the Menu button in the top right corner of your profile page.
Once in your Settings, select Privacy, and then Posts. Here you can choose whether to hide ‘Like’ counts when viewing other accounts.
Now, when you browse posts on Instagram, you will no longer see the number of likes underneath. Instead, it should look something like this:
If you want to go a step further and hide the ‘Like’ count on your own posts, you can do this when you create your posts. Create your post as normal, and at the bottom of the Caption page you’ll find ‘Advanced Settings.’ Here you can choose to turn off the ‘Like’ count for this post.
You can also hide ‘Likes’ after you’ve posted by hitting the Menu button in the top right corner of your post, and selecting ‘Hide Like Count.’
Now you can freely browse Instagram without getting bogged down by numbers.