Easy things to do to make your social media awesome in 2022

If one of your New Year resolutions is to shine on social media this year, then we’ve got some simple tips and ideas to get you on the right track in 2022.

Show up

One of the largest parts in doing well on social media is simply showing up. Remember to post frequently on all of your channels to help remind your customer that you exist. With the numerous options in scheduling software out there, both free and subscription, this isn’t as daunting as it sounds. Take the time to plan and schedule your content ahead of time, and you can focus on other things while smashing it on social media.

Our recommendation for the best scheduling software? Agorapulse! It’s what we use for our own social media accounts, and has a host of useful features to save you time and stress. You can try it for two months free using our link.

Be social

Spoiler alert: it’s not all about sales. It’s called social media because you have to be social, and this will never be more true in 2022 as privacy rules around the web tighten again. Use your organic social media to build your community and your brand advocates, as this will help make sure your social media brings an ROI.

Consider Facebook Groups: they can be a fantastic way to grow a like-minded community of users who are interested in your brand or brand values, and subsequently could become loyal customers.

Focus on where you customers are

On social media it’s very easy to get carried away and spend time on every social media platform. This might seem like a good tactic in ensuring your business gets great exposure, but it just results in too many platforms and not enough time!

Make 2022 the year you focus your efforts on where your customers actually are and make your social media deliver. Not sure where to start? It pays to know who your customer is. Gender, age, hobbies, lifestyle, income – the more you know about them, the more you can understand them and where they will spend their time online.

Keep one eye on what’s trending

It is always worthwhile keeping an eye on the latest social media trends but tread carefully. Don’t jump on to every trend going if it doesn’t fit your brand! If something comes up that aligns well with your business, embrace it – whether it’s an awareness day or just a fleeting trend on Twitter. It’s good for engagement and gets your content in front of more, new users. Win win.

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