More than one Instagram Account? No Problem

Whether you’ve got a side-hustle, an established small business or are looking to focus on making a hobby something more, keeping your personal and professional social media accounts separate is vital for brand integrity.

In this short guide, we will share with you how to add multiple Instagram accounts to your phone – saving you precious time when switching between different accounts.

Adding Accounts

* First things first, head to the Instagram app and go to your profile.

* At the very top of your profile page, you will see your Instagram handle with ˅ next to it – tap here.

* On the drop-down menu, you will see the option to ‘Add Account’ – tap here.

* Next, enter the username and password for the account you wish to add.

* All done!

Switching Between Accounts

* Whenever you want to switch between two or more accounts, head to your profile page.

* Tap on the username drop-down menu at the top of your profile page.

* Tap on the account you would like to switch to – simple!

Now you can check all of your Instagram profiles from your phone, without the hassle of typing (and remembering!) lengthy log-in details.

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